books for dispute resolution

Need to build a respectful workplace? Marli’s books for dispute resolution reflect her years of experience and expertise on creating healthy work environments.

The MIRROR Method a book for dispute resolution

The MIRROR Method Book – How to build productive teams by ending workplace dysfunction

The MIRROR Method provides leaders with a simple, six-step framework to accurately diagnose and remedy workplace dysfunction, restore trust and communication and build productive and engaging teams. Leaders are expected to make evidence-based decisions and implement them in a respectful manner. The MIRROR Method shows them how to do so.

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The MIRROR Method Workbook – The workplace leader’s guide to ending dysfunction

The MIRROR Method Workbook is a practical supplement to the concepts outlined in The MIRROR Method Book. The Workbook offers leaders many tips and tools on diagnosing and resolving workplace conflict and dysfunction and includes forms, checklists and a “case study” to see the MIRROR Method in action.  

Together, The MIRROR Method Book and accompanying Workbook will help leaders address workplace dysfunction in a respectful and measured manner, leading to productive teams that are rooted in mutual trust, respect and transparency.

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books for dispute resolution
books for dispute resolution

Walking on Eggshells? A Practical Guide to Resolving Stressful Conflict at Work and Home

The Guide reflects lessons I have both learned from and shared with employees, unions, workplace leaders and teams in my 25+ years in the “conflict business” – first as a lawyer and now as a workplace investigator, mediator and arbitrator. 

Everyone is desperate for stressful conflict to end, relationships to be restored and environments to be safe, stable and inclusive. Few of us know how to make this happen. And that is why I wrote this book.

Click this link to read the excellent review by Jim Alkon and the US company BookTrib regarding my practical conflict resolution Guide, “Walking on Eggshells?”.

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What everyone is saying about Marli Rusen's publications

The MIRROR Method Blog

Many of us spend a third of every weekday at work. We need workplaces that embrace inclusion, respect diversity, confront all forms of workplace dysfunction and make the most of everyone’s strengths and potential. The MIRROR Method blog tackles topics related to workplace performance and offers concrete advice to help build enriching and engaging teams.

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Diagnostic Tools and Resources

Pulled from the pages of Marli’s books for dispute resolution, we’ve assembled a few tips on how to better understand your organization’s workplace dynamics, reduce conflict and improve communication.

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To help you better understand if your organization is experiencing workplace dysfunction and learn what you can do to improve your team’s effectiveness, we’d like to offer a few self-help diagnostic tools and resources.