Engaging respectful workplace training workshops for organizations committed to creating a diverse, respectful and productive work environment.

Why Do We Need Respectful Workplace Training?

Today, there is increasing legal, regulatory, competitive and societal pressure on workplace leaders – from front-line supervisors and senior managers to CEOs – to create respectful environments for their staff while building high performing teams.

Most leaders understand this. The question that remains, however, is how to practically and effectively address workplace dysfunction in a respectful and legally defensible manner. Employees at every level of the organization need the tools and training to work together as a diverse, engaged and productive team.

Benefits Of Live Workshops

Respectful workplace training is essential to building a healthy and productive workplace. Marli’s respectful workplace training workshops – delivered live remotely or in-person – are a great way to bring your team together to learn more about mutual respect, effective communication and early conflict resolution. The benefits of such training include increased employee morale, reduced turnover and improved communication. Workshops are an effective way to provide respectful communication and conflict resolution training for all employees, from senior leadership to front-line personnel.

One of the advantages of live workshops is that they allow for a more interactive and engaging experience for participants. They can engage in discussions and ask questions, making the learning experience more personalized and relevant to their needs. Live workshops are great for team-building and can help foster a sense of community and promote mutual respect among team members.

As the workshop facilitator, Marli can provide valuable insights and guidance on conflict resolution strategies which are crucial for maintaining a positive and respectful work environment and can benefit both individuals and the organization overall.

In-Person or Remote Workshops Options

Using her MIRROR Method as the foundation, Marli has created and delivers many different types of workshops that can be done remotely or in-person. These workshops educate leaders and staff on their rights and responsibilities in building and maintaining a culture of respect and professionalism. Marli can provide this comprehensive respectful workplace and conflict resolution training through virtual platforms like Zoom or Microsoft Teams.


contact us for a workshop

Respectful Workplace Workshops for Leaders

Respectful Workplace Workshops for All Leaders and Staff

Chartered Professionals in Human Resources

All of Marli's leadership courses are certified by the Chartered Professionals in Human Resources.

What clients say about Marli Rusen's Live Workshops