Resources > Blog > Flip Chart Marli is now on Social Media

Many of you have taken my low tech (yet highly engaging) workshops on workplace respect, effective leadership and workplace accountability. All of you know that I am addicted to flip charts, white boards and markers. Especially the markers.
Despite my fixation on old school office supplies, I am excited to announce that I am moving beyond the flip chart and into the world of social media! I will be offering ongoing “respectful” tweets on Twitter (@marlirusen) and providing numerous Facebook musings about the importance of healthy workplaces (like my page Marli Rusen to learn more).
Message me on my Facebook page or contact me through my website ( if there is something in particular you would like to read about. Do you want to learn more about tips for leaders on building respectful and productive teams? Would you like information on how to address toxic talk in your workplace? You can always ask about a more specific, vexing situation with which you are faced and I will endeavour to provide some general guidance in a disguised, protected manner.
Let me know – I am here and always happy to help.
– Marli Rusen