Effective Communication and Conflict Resolution for All

Using MIRROR Conversations to Communicate Creatively through Conflict

For All Leaders and Staff
Number of Participants: Up to 60
Duration: Half-Day

Many interpersonal conflicts begin with a conversation that went sideways-a misunderstanding, an unspoken feeling of betrayal, a text or email interpreted as offensive or unacceptable.

This issue often turns into something far more complex, adversarial and emotionally charged, only because we have allowed time to pass and the issue to fester without clearly and directly bringing it to the attention of the other person.

The first step to any constructive conflict management, and a necessary ingredient for a respectful work environment, is to talk to the individual involved. However, few of us have been given training on how to talk through challenging issues.

At no time will resolving conflict be an easy thing to do. There are so many emotions –and expectations -involved. This workshop will make it easier than ever before.

During this workshop, Marli will offer participants a clear and practical framework to use when having challenging conversations with others. Marli will outline what it means to be a respectful speaker and listener, and how to effectively deal with any issues that might arise ‘in the moment.’

Topics Addressed:

  • How to set up the conversation for success: the importance of planning and preparation
  • How to speak so others will listen: the importance of respect in your content and delivery
  • How to listen so others will speak: the importance of being open-minded and empathetic
  • How to address anger or defensiveness – yours or someone else’s
  • When (and how) to walk away from conversations going sideways and what to do next
  • Understanding which conversations are better left for workplace leaders and which are most effectively addressed on your own

Supplemental Training Resources:

  • The MIRROR Method Book
  • The MIRROR Method Workbook
  • Walking on Eggshells? Guide


  • Certificate of Achievement
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