Services > Workshops > The Duty to Inquire and Duty to Accommodate – Where and How Do we Start?
The Duty to Inquire and Duty to Accommodate – Where and How Do we Start?
The Duty to Inquire and Duty to Accommodate – Where and How Do we Start?
Number of Participants: Unlimited
Duration: 2 (remote) or 3 (in-person) hours
Nowadays, leaders are expected to inquire into – and then reasonably support – situations that may be adversely affecting the performance, communication and behavior of a manager, supervisor or staff member. This duty includes making proper inquiries into possible mental health concerns, addictions and reported or observed physical limitations.
While it is important not to “look away” when issues arise, it is as critical for leaders to “ask before they act”. Assumptions and stereotypes – rooted in limited knowledge, opinion and second-hand information – often make these situations worse, not better.
In this workshop, Marli will outline key legal principles and offer practical tips related to the employer’s “duty to inquire” and “duty to accommodate”, and provide participants with defensible “dos” and indefensible “don’ts” associated with this practice.
Topics Addressed:
- Roles and responsibilities of the employee, employer, team and union in the duty to inquire and duty to accommodate
- How to balance the right to individual privacy with the obligation to maintain a safe and respectful workplace
- Understanding the intersection between disruptive behavior, poor performance and apparent disability
- The need for two investigations – (1) fact-finding; and (2) the duty to inquire
- How to respectfully communicate with all involved
Supplemental Training Resources:
- The MIRROR Method – How to build productive teams by ending workplace dysfunction
- The MIRROR Method Workbook – The workplace leader’s guide to ending dysfunction
- Walking on Eggshells? A Practical Guide to Resolving Stressful Conflict At Work and Home
Certificate of Achievement (upon request)