The MIRROR Method training has helped many organizations and leaders build respectful workplaces, and is now available online in two different formats:(1) structured and self-paced online video training for individuals or teams who are required to certify that they have received comprehensive training in workplace respect, and (2) live webinar workshops that offer groups a relatively informal way of coming together to learn about respectful teamwork and conflict resolution.

Respectful Workplace Online Video Training

The MIRROR Method has been highly effective in resolving conflict, and is now packaged and available in an easy to use, self-paced online video training program. This training has supported thousands of workplace leaders and organizations in creating a respectful workplace for their teams. The concise and straightforward videos clearly outline the rights and responsibilities of everyone in the workplace to build and maintain a culture of respect. Upon completion of this training, participants (and their organizations) will receive a certificate confirming that they have demonstrated a general understanding of their role in maintaining a psychologically healthy workplace.

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MIRROR Method Live Webinar Workshops

Training in respectful workplaces and effective workplace communication is critical in building and maintaining a psychologically healthy workplace. For many reasons, in-person workshops may not be feasible. Fortunately, Marli’s highly popular in-person workshops are now available through live webinars using telecommuting platforms like Zoom and Microsoft Teams.

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Mandated Respectful Workplace Training

Has a staff member, leader, team or your organization as a whole been mandated to take respectful workplace training? Are you wondering how to effectively implement this, given your competing scheduling, logistical and operational demands? Marli’s online video course is the solution.

This self-paced course consists of 9 brief pre-recorded videos produced by Marli Rusen, an expert in respectful workplaces. Participants will come away with a clear idea of their rights and responsibilities in relation to respectful work environments and will learn how to better resolve perceived disrespect and disruptive conflict on their teams.

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Join Marli for her complimentary webinar series.

Marli is sharing her 20+ years of experience and knowledge in respectful leadership, workplaces and communication through a series of 45-minute complimentary webinars. These webinars give audiences an opportunity to learn more about Marli’s approach and style while also coming away with critical tips and tricks on building a psychologically healthy workplace.

To receive notice of upcoming complimentary webinars, please sign up for our newsletter below.

The Workplace Is Changing - the Requirement for Respect Is the Same

Globally, workplaces are changing to include more WFH opportunities and enhanced opportunities for virtual service delivery. While the format for work may have changed, the potential for disrespect and dysfunction remains the same – it may simply look different or may be more difficult to detect. Leaders and staff are expected to build and maintain a culture of respect both online and on the shop floor.

Significant issues like sexual harassment, racism and bullying have followed us into the digital world.

This needs to be addressed. Complacency and wilful blindness will only make things worse. Organizations and leaders must be vigilant in mandating virtual training on respectful workplaces and conflict resolution training to set up their teams for success, whether we are working digitally, in the office or a combination of both.